night river {life}

Yes, I'm still doing a 365, and yes, I'm still taking pictures of our river every weekend. It's such a small stretch, at this one spot near our house, that we can get to. I'm having a bit of a time finding ways to mix it up. So I look for different angles, different light, different times of day. I may need to move my spot eventually, but for right now, it has changed enough that we're still good. This night, last Friday, was the latest we'd been. Not a great sunset, but a deep blue glow had fallen along the water and the lights were coming on along the docks and the shipyards.
And while we've had company on our river jaunts before, kids and dogs scrambling along the rocks, this was a first. A young man, camped out quite deliberately. He had his beach chair, a cigar, a beer and some quiet music playing. That second photo with the flag may have been my best picture of the night, but it was this shot of a solitary evening's enjoyment that I chose to represent that day's 365. How could I not?
Reader Comments (9)
I love your river. I love how you love your river and that it's so distinctly yours. Given that I work at an old shipyard, I still love those ship dock cranes, and how they cut across the sky. Who's that guy in the beach chair? I can't tell if he's one of yours or not. xo
Do you mean the picture you used for the still this morning when you said the second pic is your best of the shoot? If so, I completely agree. The composition, clarity of color and mood is perfect. But I also agree the picture of the fellow in the chair is great. It's another context really. Completely different tone and mood. I love it.
I do like the picture with the flag as well and how you decided to shoot this at night / dusk
I was wondering who the deck chair guy was too.
Beautiful blue, really moody. And how crisp those rocks are!
It always amazes me how many flags you guys have, it's like you need reminders of what country you live in!
We have no idea who the beach chair guy is! We often see people we know down at the river; it's a popular stop off on walks, and dogs love to scrabble along the rocks and water.
And Annie, people are very flag proud around here, for sure! I think it's more about making sure everyone knows just how proud you are to be an American! ;)
Mom, I do think the second photo with the dock and the light and the flag is the best shot, but I had to pick the one with the guy in the chair for the photo of the day since it's such an unusual thing for us to see!
i am forever impressed with your 365... i actually did give up after day 2... what the! your perseverance is paying off big time... these are lovely!
i do love the flag picture but i think i love the guy in the chair more. it's captured. it's this moment that is all his and we don't know what he's thinking about. could he be thinking about his family, a trip, his childhood, the river, his father, fishing, politics, music, a girl. i love that. i love the wonderment that it evokes. thanks for that.
I agree, how could you not?
What do you mean? It's a beautiful shot. Like Annie, I like the moodiness. I also like the solitary feel of these shots. A person could really get some thinking done, out there by the river. It helps to explain why this man chose this spot to carve out some "me" time. Well, I'm assuming that's what he's doing. ;) It's all a mystery as Christine duly noted. Gosh, that photo could be a wonderful prompt for a writing assignment.
oh yes, child, lovely! remember monet, and his repeated paintings of the same scene at different times of day? you can never be bored that way. especially with water - the image is always changing. these are all beautiful, and the man's quiet enjoyment is a story. we only know about the chair, cigar, beer, and quiet music - but it sounds like a little vacation for him.
frame the flag with the light. i'll buy it! happy weekend!