Five things, the "this is really happening" edition

1. I think I can't believe I finally get to tell you guys that we're taking a little big trip this summer. Wheeeeeee! We've been talking about this trip for a long time, months now since we discovered that Neel had a Eurpoean conference in June, but pulling the trigger was a bit stressful. Air travel ≠ cheap, you know. Still now that we have, I'm giddy with excitement, and we're counting down the days. Neel's meeting is in Greece and Cal and I are flying to London to meet him, and then we'll all fly home together. What a way to kick off the summer. I can't wait.
2. I think we're incredibly lucky that Neel's field takes him to Europe to conferences so regularly (A colleague of his has her big annual meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan this year. Not that there's anything wrong with that.). He leaves for Sweden next week, and that trip, Cal and I are sadly not accompanying him on. (insert huge sigh here) It's been a long time since we've traveled abroad. Our last trip was to Hungary, I think, in 2009. It feels like a lifetime ago. We really feel so blessed, despite how long it's been. We've been to Montreal, Germany, and Greece as well as Hungary and so many places here in our own vast country. But this trip? Well, this feels special. Because we're not tagging along to Greece but meeting Neel over there, these are places we chose. Can you imagine how hard it was to pin them down?
3. I think our plans are to spend three days in London and three days in Paris, although Neel and Callum seem to have concocted a plan to swing by Normandy on while we're en route to Paris. They schemed this at my Mother's Day brunch, wouldn't you know. And had me Google this. ON MOTHER'S DAY. Apparently there will be much watching of World War II movies before we depart.
4. I think one of the best things is that the last time I was in London was when I was almost exactly Callum's age. That was a long time ago. And still. I'll totally be subjecting him to stories that begin like this: "When I was 14, and we came to London..." We will also be listening to this song and probably this song on repeat. I won't subject him to this song, which was everywhere when I first stepped foot on British soil. ;)
5. I think I have a million questions for you guys! I can't for the life of me remember what to do with my phone once we've gone international. I'm gonna need to be instagramming, donchaknow. Where should we stay in London? In Paris? I know a bit about London, but next to nothing about Paris except that it seems nice enough. Wink. What should I pack? Any suggestions for cute walking shoes for summer? What should I read to get ready? What are our must sees, eats, dos? What treats should we get to bring home? Callum's social studies teacher is a total dear and she's begged to come with us written an itinerary for us; you just know Erin is guiding our path (thank God); and I'm totally counting on this lovely lady to point our way as well.
Somebody pinch us.
Reader Comments (12)
I'm so excited and I didn't really believe it was going to happen until I read this! wooo hoooooooo!!! xxxx
Sounds so amazing. I am totally jealous. I know you will have so much fun and the photos will be exquisite.
On another note...why can't I get my instagram fotos to share to facebook? I've done it over and over and they do not appear. Boo.
Another COS (change of subject)...I approached my morning pages today with an increased zest knowing Monday is coming!
Have a beautiful weekend, girlie.
Wow, Lauren, that's awesome! You're gonna love it.
In the Netherlands we have Capitol travelguides and they're really handy with lots of photo's, maps, accurate descriptions. I'm not quite sure if they're also available in the States.( try inside guides if you can't find capitol)
For hotels check Both cities have lots of hotels in every price range. In Paris we had a really lovely hotel next to the Avenue de Montparnasse. In the middle of restaurants, subway close by.
If you get to Paris buy a carnet at the local kiosk( subway tickets) The subway is easy and fast. Also fun is the bato bus. It's a hop on and off boat on the Seine. It stops at every famous attraction.
Both cities have a lot to offer. You might have to choose what you want to visit.
Concerning your luggage, think layers. Don't forget your raingear!!! It can be hot, cold, rainy, foggy or a blend of all four.
And of course comfortable shoes. Sneakers, comfy sandals. You'll be walking a lot and climbing, stairs, gardens....
Food is everywhere and all variations possible. Just enjoy!!
On my facebook page you can find photos of Paris. It will give you an idea what you can expect.
Frankie say "Relax"
fabulous news!!! nothing as good for the soul as a spot of travelling! i'm just thinking about all those lovely photos you're going to be taking too! i'll have a think about any london/paris tips i can come up with for you!
Eeeeeks I'm so excited now that the cat is out of the bag!! Of COURSE I'll be guiding you ;) I have a mini-itinerary (minitinerary!) all ready with some fun things planned for you guys. Lots of museums and food, because that's how I operate. I so wish I could join you this time, and finally meet Annie. Sam and I have already met before, because we're too cool for school, as you know. I'm still jealous! But if I were you I'd be packing myself up really tiny and sneaking in Neel's luggage to Sweden. He's more 007 than he thinks, jetsetting around the globe for work! xoxo
Eeee, I'm doing a little happy dance for you over here! So. excited. for. you! Between Annie and Erin, you all are in good, capable, caring hands as far as advice and recommendations go. (You don't need a hotel in London, just stay in Annie's flat. I kid!) I cannot wait until the kids are old enough to go to Europe. I'll be taking notes from your trip. I'm already thinking about the gorgeous photos you'll take. I have to concur with Neel and Callum, Normandy sounds pretty cool. Just saying.
Have a wonderful weekend (dreaming about your European getaway), L! xo
oh my goodness so happy for you!! (and maybe a little jealous) i don't think i have set foot outside of the united states since before the new millenium (which is the one thing i actually feel sorry for myself about on a regular basis). okay, well canada but seriously that just doesn't count so much. and i haven't even been on a plane since m&l came along. kids really aren't that expensive until you start looking at airfare and college ;) so with that i don't think i could offer a bit of advice other than take a ton of pictures so i can live vicariously through your amazing trip.
how fun! shame you won't be going to sweden but luckily it sounds like you may get the chance with all of neel's terrible business trip destinations ;) and how wonderful for cal. i don't think there is anything better for young people than to be able to travel. there's no better way of learning in my opinion. sooo happy for you (squeal!!) xoxo
Woopedy woop, the Keims are coming to town! xxx
I am soooo excited for you. I know your photos are going to be amazing!
I agrree with Theresa. You are in capable hands with Erin and Annie guiding you. Cannot wait to hear about your plans!
I didn't know the Frankie goes to Hollywood track had such an, ummm, interesting video :)
P.S will email before I buy a camera. Thanks honey xx
Congratulations on your trip to London and Paris!!!! That is so exciting for you guys, you'll have a ball as you said "what a way to kick off summer"!
Oh hooray! That is exciting news. London is definitely my favourite and make sure and pick up lots of chocolate while you're over in Europe. I'm absolute rubbish as far as places to stay in London (we stay in the financial district) but don't be afraid to rent out an apartment or something like that.