
this is us {life}

My goal for my Mother's Day 365 photo project was to get some pictures of my family using my heretofore unused camera remote. There was a sharp learning curve, both in mastering the remote and in unlocking my willingness to be in front of the camera, not just behind it. I'm not quite there yet.

As photos go, they're not great. The focus is in the wrong place, and the cropping was off. My friend Rooth asked in the comments last week about how long a photo shoot generally takes me. She was talking about when I photograph food. This was short! I worry that people get impatient with me, so I don't want to take too long. With food, or other still life, I can take my time. I'll write more about photographing food next week, if you'd like. I've been thinking about why it's important to me a lot lately.

And I like to think that we had fun on Sunday though. And still, imperfect as these pictures are and as we are (well, I am) well, here we are. Callum's taller than me now. We just discovered that on Saturday night. My heart thrills with pride when I stand next to him, when I stand between the two of them.

Yeah, imperfect as these photos are, this is us.

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Reader Comments (12)

You're beautiful!

May 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMarianne

I LOVE these photos and yes as Marianne says you are beautiful xx

May 16, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterannie

Thanks for answering my question. :) And these are my favourite pictures that you've taken so far (not that your food pictures aren't drool worthy). It's just wonderful seeing all three of you with such big smiles.

May 16, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterrooth

these are truly beautiful, just as they are!

May 16, 2013 | Unregistered Commentersue

Lovely to see you infront on the camera. They are lovely photos - and isn't it incredible when we stand next to our kids now and they are as tall/taller than us! How did that happen?

i just used my remote today. the whole tripod/remote thing makes me nervous - mostly because it's a bother to set up but i have to say it is so nice to use when you need it. love these photos! what fantastic smiles you all have!! i think the last is my favorite. funny as many photos as i take, always trying to stage that perfect shot, it's always the spontaneous unplanned ones i love best. xoxo

These are great! You ARE beautiful. You all are beautiful. I can see that the level of hilarity keeps rising from picture to picture there for a bit. I can just hear the remarks Neel and Callum are making to make you (and each other) laugh. What a lovely lovely family.

May 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMom

Lauren! I love these photos of you guys. I l.o.v.e. the one of you and Callum giving Eskimo kisses as your pushing the button on the remote - A beautifully captured moment. Stop it with the imperfect talk...Well, I would probably be saying the same thing about myself if I was in your shoes. Why are we so hard on ourselves? Anyway, happy you braved this project so we could all benefit. The three of you are beautiful! xo

May 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTheresa

These are gorgeous pictures!!! I too hate pictures of myself so I completely understand. My yoga teacher always says ' let go of self- criticism' and it's true - be kind to yourself and love these pictures for what they are- your beautiful happy family!!! X

May 17, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCathy

Love, love love these photos, you are all so really photogenic. Cropping and focus? Blah, who cares?! They are really fabulous Lauren x

May 17, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSam

This made my heart burst open. My loves! You all look so wonderful and so happy and smiley and just full of love for one another. This is what I want my life to look like in 10 years time (or 13, more accurately). Phillies shirt and all. xoxo

May 17, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterErin

Oh honey. This makes me so happy. You are beautiful. You all look so happy! I love that these shots show the playful, craziness rising. Cal taller than you, that is a significant turning point. Your family is perfect, And these shots are perfectly imperfect and sometimes they are the best ever.
p.s yes to more info about your food photographing sessions xx

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