
five things, april 19 edition

1. I think I never meant for you to think I was so despairing yesterday. You must have caught me at a weak moment. (wink) Truth is, it's been a rough week. Let's face it. In general, I believe in the inherent humanity of our fellow humans. I really believe that good and peace and right will prevail. When my mom and her friend Mike were here we were talking about (honestly, don't ask me why, I can't even remember how we got there) how people become terrorists and it's generally because they lack hope. Really, if you don't have hope, you don't have anything. Well, I'm full of hope. I have to be. We all do. And don't get me wrong. I love April too. As my dear friend Debbie pointed out, some people special to me were born this month! But I think Eliot was onto something. Real growth hurts. It's mucky and ugly and painful, but hopefully we really grow. I'm hoping that as much as we're in a mucky part of our history right now we're growing.

2. I think I need to figure out a schedule and stick to it. We were at sixes and sevens this week. (Side note, isn't that a great phrase?) And remember that planner I got? I think it's finally time to admit that I don't love it. It's not her, it's me. I just can't use it in the way it's meant to be used or I need it to do something different or something. Part of what I love about what I do is how varied my days are, but I'm slowly being driven mad by the lack of routine. Anybody have any suggestions for me? How do you keep your days screwed straight?

3. I think this is one of the most spectacular things I've seen in a long time.

4. I think two weekends of company and one out of town (and two to three baseball games a week) are a bit much for this mama to bear right now. My house is a wreck, I have my summer/winter clothes switch-over halfway done and spread across my bedroom (nice), our dinners have been impromptu and half-assed all week, I've missed loads of your blog posts. Seriously. Fail. Is it bad that I wish it would rain all weekend so I could hunker down and clear the decks around here?

5. I think I can't decide if I should go frugal and use something from my wardrobe or get something new to an event for Neel next month. These are the things I think about in the quiet spaces of the carpool line and the orthodontist's waiting room. Theresa, can you do a "Where in the World," Lauren Has to Leave the House Edition? I think I might need one.

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Reader Comments (9)

Beautiful photo.
My mum is called April. she's not cruel! Guess when her birthday is?
Obviously you should be getting something new so that you can show it to us!
I hope you have a lovely, clean and tidy weekend. I'm planning on transitioning my wardrobe too. Which sounds a lot more exciting than it actually is

April 19, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterannie

I've never heard the term sixes and sevens before! What does it mean? I'm sorry about your planner and your general feeling of frazzled-ness :( I wanted that planner to work out for you. What makes it different from other planners besides the customizable cover? I use a pocket-size moleskine with the days of the week on one side and blank note paper on the other and it's got for lots of scribbling. It's easy for me to have a routine though when at least 8 hours of my day are accounted for in the same spot. Ahem. I hope you relax this weekend and recharge those batteries. That's what weekends are for, yes? xo

April 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterErin

I would love to join you guys on the conversation about how people become terrorists. It would be an interesting discussion, over with some gin and tonic. ;) I dislike planners and this is coming from someone who had over a decade of event planning experience! Now I just follow my heart when and what I would like to blog or do on a daily basis. Maybe I'm a free spirited person but there are just too many regulations in this day and age. It's okay to have a bleh day, we all do. But I hope your weekend will find you some bliss...and don't forget that gin and tonic too :)

I am right there with you! I feel like I am in so many different places right now desperately trying to get everything into one place as quick as possible so I might be able to have a sense of where I am. Okay that sounds more dramatic than I mean for it to, a light hearted frazzled feeling, but no less frazzled that's for sure. And April is a crazy month so maybe that's why I am just going along with the crazy myself. I am hoping May's theme will be a little more zen and I can match that as well. Rest up this weekend mama!! xoxo

I didn't have time to post yesterday but when I read your blog I was very proud of you, as I often am, for what you had to say and how you said it. I thought about some other lines of poetry about April, as I always do, this time of year. When your dad and I went to the hospital the night you were born it was, of course, late April. That spring had been kind of cool and the blooming and greening were just coming out. The next couple of days were warmer and on the day we left the hospital with you all the blooms and the leafing of the trees had burst forth. Almost overnight the world had been transformed both in nature and in myself. There were some lines I had read in a poem that kept singing in my ears, and still do..."in April, late April, all the gold sang." A college friend of mine even chose those lines to put in her congratulatory note to me though we hadn't discussed them before. All of it is true, from the cruelest month to the gold singing. But for me late April will always be a time I remember that "all the gold sang."

April 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMom

I think we're all feeling something akin to what you're feeling...There's living to do, but something very heavy is hanging in the air.
Re: #2, when you figure something out, will you please share it with me? I could use some help in this department right now. I've got about a million thoughts in my head with nothing to show for it. My vote is to buy something new. It goes back to the hope thing, and we could all use some more of it right now. Ha, your WitW comment made me smile. I am due for a new one. Happy weekend to you and yours, Lauren. Normalcy seems like a good thing to strive for this weekend. xo

April 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTheresa

The clothes situation is not over, either! Here it's going down into the 30s tonights, and we have the heat and fireplace going. So, even though it was 80 yesterday, I'm not putting away the cold weather clothes.

Other topics - scheduling is huge. I have to have one, or I can never finish anything. Just a list on a white board helps. In the summer, I'm much less productive than during the school year - but lots more relaxed, so maybe not being so tightly scheduled is a good thing!

Since the event is FOR Neel, go new. He's worth it. If you were just invited guests, frugal.

Here's hoping you have a quiet, peaceful, uneventful weekend.

April 19, 2013 | Unregistered Commenternoreen

Hello darling. You have been on my mind a lot this week...
I'm sorry to hear it's been a difficult one... I have no pearls of wisdaom, but am sending you love...
p.s i love what noreen said re: a new outfit :) xx

April 21, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterleah // sang the bird

Definitely go new with your outfit, it will give you a lift..I feel like this sometimes, it's hard trying to keep all the balls juggled in the air, time to take some time out. I did that last Friday and got lots done in my home and felt great about it. I use the calendar on my iphone to schedule things, seems to have worked well so far. Happy Happy Birthday for Tuesday. I hope you have a truly wonderful day celebrating and have a joyful year ahead.

PS: Don't wait for it to rain on the weekend to hunker down. Give yourself permission to do it anyway if it's what you need..rain, hail or shine. xxx

April 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCatherine Bedson

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