
night river {still}


milestone {life}

So we had a big day around here yesterday. After nearly two years, our boy got his braces off yesterday. Judging by what everyone was saying on my Instagram and Facebook feeds, if you had braces, this day is one you never forget! Our journey was shorter than some really. We started two summers ago and the braces themselves came on that first Christmas. We knew we were nearing the end at our last appointment when our orthodontist gave us a letter that said 80% of the time, kids get their braces off at the next appointment. So while we were hopeful that yesterday would be it, we were also a little scared to get our hopes up!

Cal brushed his teeth really well yesterday morning, and he took his phone with him back to the chair. I could hear everyone laughing and talking and then I heard his orthodontist say, "Well, today's the day!" I shot Callum a quick "??" text, and right away he texted me back.


It took forever but there was a great air of celebration about the place. I'd stocked up on super-chewy bubble gum, but why bother? Turns out the office gives out a goodie bag filled with caramel corn, Dots and gum (and a toothbrush, toothpaste and floss, but who's counting!). How wonderful is that? All that forbidden fruit, handed over to you in a celebratory goodie bag! It's hard work to have braces; these guys deserve a reward.

At each visit during school hours, Cal's orthodontist's office will print out a note to excuse him from school, and today when we were checking out, I mentioned that we might swing by Neel's office to show him the new smile. The admin smiled and said, "Well, let me tack on a few extra minutes and say you left at 11 instead of 10:45, how about?"

It was a pretty good day all around. He keeps getting surprised by them. We all do. Look at that gorgeous smile.

You know, while wonderful things were happening for our family yesterday, absolute destruction was being wreaked upon parts of the mid-west of our country, in Oklahoma. It's hard not to keep thinking about it. Two elementary schools, a hospital, countless homes, all destroyed. And yet. Still a little bit of hope. Check out this video. That's the kind of story I want to hang on to. That, and all the teachers and helpers. Holding them all in the light.


milestone {still}


weekend recap, may 20

1. family portrait | 2. nice view | 3. storm moves in | 4. hike time | 5. countdown | 6. friday night not-takeout | 7. - 9. rainy saturday | 10. hitting lesson | 11. neighborhood lovelies | 12. weekend reading | 13. - 15. watching over Miss Violet | 16. strawberry fields | 17. pimms | 18. spoons | 19. latin | 20. garden center | 21. sunday work | 22. kitchen beauty | 23. gifts from friends | 24. frittata

I have to start our weekend recap way back on Thursday night and brag on Neel just a little bit. He was inducted into a medical honor society (despite not being a physician) along with several other colleagues and some members of the graduating class where he teaches. He was chosen by the students as a sign of their respect for him, and we're so proud of him. We all went to the dinner and it was so lovely to have all these young men and women come up to us and sing Neel's praises (although now we have to live with him!), and really, really good for Callum to see all of these super-smart, super high achieving medical students about to embark to places far and wide for exciting residencies.

Neel spent all day Saturday at graduation and apparently that was less fun.

Got my absolutely necessary weekly hike in with my friend Tracy on Friday. She means the world to me and these hikes do too. She'll be in California for the summer, and I'm not sure what I'll do without her. Drag Cal out there maybe. It just won't be the same! As I was driving home, I felt strangely energized, so I swung into the grocery store and grabbed the stuff to make us scallops for dinner. Scallops are one of my favorites, and they intimidate the hell out of me (I know, I know). But you know? I did okay. I'd definitely do these again, and they'll get better with tweaking. While Neel was at graduation, Cal went hitting and I went grocery magazine shopping. Home runs this month, for both.

We found some strawberries in the front yard and I'm drinking Pimms (for research) and a friend of Callum's came over for some mad wicked games of Spoons. It was a pretty lovely Saturday night.

We worked and played on Sunday. Homework winding up, computer work and yard work ramping up. Callum had to look up 161 vocabulary words for his science class, and that felt like a lot so we let him do them in front of a baseball game and The Bad News Bears.

And things seem to be changing for our Violet. We knew it was inevitable, so we're watching this happen with both sadness and acceptance, I guess. It's nothing major, just some behavioral and physical shifts. Neel's going to chat with our vet to see if there's anything we can do for her, especially since he has to go out of town this week. We want to be sure she stays comfortable more than anything, and I keep telling her to let me know. Right now her tail is still wagging and her eyes are still bright, and that's all we're going to focus on.

So hold our little girl in the light, and hold my boy in the light too. Cross your fingers that as you're reading this his braces are coming OFF!


Five things, the "this is really happening" edition

1. I think I can't believe I finally get to tell you guys that we're taking a little big trip this summer. Wheeeeeee! We've been talking about this trip for a long time, months now since we discovered that Neel had a Eurpoean conference in June, but pulling the trigger was a bit stressful. Air travel ≠ cheap, you know. Still now that we have, I'm giddy with excitement, and we're counting down the days. Neel's meeting is in Greece and Cal and I are flying to London to meet him, and then we'll all fly home together. What a way to kick off the summer. I can't wait.

2. I think we're incredibly lucky that Neel's field takes him to Europe to conferences so regularly (A colleague of his has her big annual meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan this year. Not that there's anything wrong with that.). He leaves for Sweden next week, and that trip, Cal and I are sadly not accompanying him on. (insert huge sigh here) It's been a long time since we've traveled abroad. Our last trip was to Hungary, I think, in 2009. It feels like a lifetime ago. We really feel so blessed, despite how long it's been. We've been to Montreal, Germany, and Greece as well as Hungary and so many places here in our own vast country. But this trip? Well, this feels special. Because we're not tagging along to Greece but meeting Neel over there, these are places we chose. Can you imagine how hard it was to pin them down?

3. I think our plans are to spend three days in London and three days in Paris, although Neel and Callum seem to have concocted a plan to swing by Normandy on while we're en route to Paris. They schemed this at my Mother's Day brunch, wouldn't you know. And had me Google this. ON MOTHER'S DAY. Apparently there will be much watching of World War II movies before we depart.

4. I think one of the best things is that the last time I was in London was when I was almost exactly Callum's age. That was a long time ago. And still. I'll totally be subjecting him to stories that begin like this: "When I was 14, and we came to London..." We will also be listening to this song and probably this song on repeat. I won't subject him to this song, which was everywhere when I first stepped foot on British soil. ;)

5. I think I have a million questions for you guys! I can't for the life of me remember what to do with my phone once we've gone international. I'm gonna need to be instagramming, donchaknow. Where should we stay in London? In Paris? I know a bit about London, but next to nothing about Paris except that it seems nice enough. Wink. What should I pack? Any suggestions for cute walking shoes for summer? What should I read to get ready? What are our must sees, eats, dos? What treats should we get to bring home? Callum's social studies teacher is a total dear and she's begged to come with us written an itinerary for us; you just know Erin is guiding our path (thank God); and I'm totally counting on this lovely lady to point our way as well.

Somebody pinch us.