Five things, january 4 edition

1. I think it's with both excitement and trepidation that I'm embarking on this freaking 365 project. Yippie? No. I'm excited. And terrified. Nearly everyone I've been in touch with who has started, attempted, completed one talks about how much it improved their eye and their photography. Erin's doing it, and Sue too, I think, yes? Christine is thinking about it, aren't you Christine? Oh, and Megan @ WishfulThinking (also known as the blog I adore but my computer hates since it'll never let me comment there). Maybe we should do a round up or something? The best part is that you can start anytime (in fact, I've heard it's smart to start in December so you're done at the start of the last of the year, but whatevs), so worry not if you haven't dipped your toe in yet. ClickItUpANotch has a great article with tips for keeping you going, and Erin wrote about hers just this week. My friend Kim, who has an amazing blog herself, is almost done. For me, I have some ideas for getting through the year, and for now my photos can be found the 365Project. Kim suggested it to me, and it seems to be the best way to catalog it as I make some changes over here. Please don't feel the need to go and follow something else for crying out loud, but I'll probably add a link to the weeks photos every Friday. Or every Monday. Maybe one of my 13 for 13 should have been to be more decisive.
2. I think I have a love/hate relationship with the end of vacation and going back to school. I hate it that vacation is over, but it does feel good to get back in our routines. Callum did great on his exams. Super great, actually. Great enough to earn a reward dinner at his favorite wing joint tonight. Nicely done, kid. And we'll continue to settle into our routine this weekend. That's good. I like that. Is it totally dorky to be looking forward to a weekend of settling in after two weeks off? Dorky I am, I guess.
3. I think, speaking of my friend Kim, you should go check out her blog and encourage her to get back to it! Busy, schmizy. Whatever. Kim is in my photography group and we've taken a class together. I think she's an amazing photographer, the kind I wish I could be. We're talking about trying to get together more and push each other a little bit (Hello 365, I'm looking at you.) We all need someone, near and far, who can push us creatively, don't we? I'm looking forward to nurturing those creative relationships in the coming year.
4. I think I really need to figure out some better during-the-day food options. What are your go-to breakfasts and lunches? I'm not good at taking time to make and eat those meals at all, and I want better, healtier and tastier options. Help.
5. I think I really, really, really, really want some snow this winter. Really. What do you want this winter? Peace on earth? A tasty lunch? Wanting a nice weekend for all of you and to see you back here next week. Cheers, dears.
Reader Comments (11)
The 365 project sounds great, Lauren. I look forward to seeing what sparks you daily.
#5- don't even get me started. ;)
Oh I have been thinking about snow too! I'd like some please for my birthday.
Well done Callum! Very well deserved.
I love that photo, that's so cute :) Look forward to seeing the other 364.
I wish I had the dedication to do a 365. Maybe um next year? x
i started a 366 last year with both my iphone and my dslr. i did not complete my dslr one. i got up to 118 or something. i did complete it with my iphone though! :) you can do it. it's lots of fun!!!!!
You are cracking me up today! I took a couple pictures of the sky with my iphone in a sort of half-a** attempt to kinda sorta commit to the 365 without actually committing yet. also i could maybe do a sky theme if i wanted, which sounds neat in theory (mostly easy) but it's not suppose to be easy so it also sounds lame. i am dragging myself back into routine! it's like i forgot how to blog, run my shop, wake up, move - all in such a short period of time. but the smell of routine is pulling me in like a hot fresh cup of coffee in the morning. rats! i just remembered about the index card daily journal that i wanted to do, my brain is broken. this weekend my plan is to fix it. it snowed for about an hour the other day and M+L and I took a long walk in it now i want spring. it's been sunny here for the last week and we never have sun from, say, oct-may so it is very deceiving - it's looks like spring outside but it's not, it's very cold! happy weekend (yay cal!)
Normally I'd vote for snow, but I am praying for a global warming explosion winter, since I don't want to risk Paris in March with the threat of snow. I am not outfit-prepared for snow!! It would totally throw off my premature packing plan. It's a very scientific (neurotic) process. Maybe you can get snow and everywhere else can get 65 degrees?
We both used the word dork to describe ourselves in our posts today! This says something about us. Good luck on your 365! I think we'll keep each other accountable, I really do. I forgot to bring my camera to work today so the odds of me getting a photograph during daylight are slim. Might be a nice detail shot of my house, kind of day :) I'll check yours out!
Also I'm not one to give eating advice to, last night I had two bowls of cereal and washed it down with a mixed drink. During the day I snack on triscuits but otherwise forget to eat. Woops. Have a great weekend!
Go for it on your 365, you've got lots of support :-)
Snow?.... No! Bring on Spring.
Congratulate Callum for me, that's so cool he has done so well. My youngest is taking his exams too, my fingers are firmly crossed for him.
Breakfast for me is nearly always porridge and fruit. If I have this, then lunchtime I'm not so hungry. Don't the experts say to eat a fist size of protein with some vegetables and ditch the carbs until tea time (i.e. carbs only on one meal). Just my two penneth if it helps.
Have a great weekend L x
happy 365! that "life starts at the end of our comfort zone" thing - good for you! also, way to go, Cal, on the exams! he made a big jump this year, and he's doing well. also, i'm with you about heading back to school. it was hard to start back on thursday, but a joy, too. and it's easier than starting with a full week of school.
food - breakfast - oatmeal (quick 2-minutes in the microwave) or steel cut, prepared on the weekend, reheated, or cereal. lunch, frozen meals or leftovers. good luck. it's an important topic. we're always working to add fruits and veggies. have a relaxing weekend, n
I am so with you if winter is still here to stay we need some powdery snow! Hope for a great snowboard season to come here on the East Coast. Great that you are committing to the 365 project! When Erin had her post this week about the 365 project I wrote in my comment that I might try this out with my daily outfits. Just have to find a great spot to shoot the photos. I think that project would help me not to wear the same old things and also find out what I don't wear from my closet. Would be a great way to downsize it in the end too. But that idea is only half baked so far. We'll see what I end up with. I also suffer from cluelessness on what to cook today right now. Have to take out my cook books and start looking for new recipes. My go-to breakfast is Nutella on whole wheat bread, not exactly a healthy option ;) Have a great weekend Lauren!
oooh...the 365 project sounds intriguing...perhaps I should look into it? I will check out the article you mentioned.
Snow? Why, yes please! I would love to see how Kona does with snow.
Congrats to Callum...awesome job!
Lunches right now are whatever looks good at the moment. Today, a whole wheat tortilla, warmed up in the microwave with turkey slices and cheddar cheese. I know, not terribly healthy, but made the carb/protein cravings go away for a while. Breakfast is usually instant grits and an egg or whole grain english muffins with morningstar veggie sausage, or yogurt with fruit. Whatever I'm craving, actually. Dinners are tougher for me because I'm cooking for three of us - if it were just me I would eat the same stuff over and over followed by a bowl of light ice cream (moose tracks flavor)...:-)
Oh, and love the photo btw. xo
1. The 365 project sounds great! Doing it with other {cool} people will make the project that much more fun.
2. I hear you on #2. I just took a load of time off and am having the most difficult time getting back into it. I'm just not feeling it. Ack! (Segue: Great job, Callum!)
3. Yes, yes! Near and far, we definitely need to surround ourselves with people who push us creatively. I really need to devote more time to nurturing these types of people in my life.
4. Like Erin, I'm a horrible person to ask about creating healthy eating habits. Don't get me wrong, I'm a super healthy eater...When I remember to eat. Doh!
5. Ok, I'm doing a snow dance for you over here. (We just spent the last four days surrounded by snow. I can understand your desire and the appeal.) What I want is really simple: I just want to get through winter.
I am SO excited you're going to join me on the 365 journey! The 365 site really is motivating. I think you'll enjoy it. And I'm looking forward to getting together more to push each other creatively too. I am in such a blog/photog rut right now. I need a good kick in the pants. Thanks for the push. And the sweet, sweet comments. :)