five things, april 26 edition
1. I think I'm horrible at shameless self-promotion, and yet here I go again. Our May Food Photography Workshop looks good to go, and local folk, it's not to late to register! I think this session will be particularly fun with all the fresh produce available. Come have some fun with us!
2. I think as birthdays go, I'm not going to rank this one and instead let it slip on by. I worry, as always, the impact my actions have on my son who is now thinking, "Grownups have bad birthdays?!" And still, the bright shining light was all the lovely notes you left me. It was so wonderful to have them come trickling in. They meant the world.
3. I think I was smart to heed Leah's advice and ditch the planner I mentioned last week. Her suggestion? Recycle it. Who needs a planner they hate? Since Erin is never wrong (ahem), I'm going with a Moleskine weekly planner (on sale! who cares if it's almost May!). It'll take some re-training, but what the hell. It's almost May.
4. I think none of you had any helpful suggestions on creating a good schedule and were instead looking to me for advice which is laughable. Ha! Seriously, people. I have a very flexible life. Here's my Thursday, for example: After I got Neel and Callum of to school and work, I took a quick shower. I took a little time for domestic endeavors (laundry–I always start a load as soon as I get up and usually have another load to fold in the morning too) and to send some emails and check some blogs. Spent about two hours in the studio styling and shooting the photo you see above and another half hour to an hour editing it and popping it into photoshop for the text. Had a chat with a client mid-day and spent a bit of time doing a final edit on a newsletter for that same client. By 1PM I had to start dinner so it was ready to pop in the oven as soon as we got home from Callum's game, and at 3PM Neel rolled in so we could leave for the game. All in all not a bad day. Today will be entirely and delightfully different. But. It felt scattered and reactive rather than steady and scheduled. And I never, ever get enough done. Ever. And I end up not knowing when best to work on things I have deadlines for and thing get left hanging. Not the best way to keep it going. Would I benefit from a set time to check blogs and send emails? Probably? Still, I'm going to try some experiments next week (new planner!), and I'll let you know how they go.
5. I think things are looking up for the weekend. We're have a quiet day tomorrow, but on Sunday we're headed to The Marriage of Figaro. I can't wait! What's better, Callum can't wait either. He had to write an essay answering two questions on Amadeus for Music Appreciation, and his teacher asked him, "Did you get that off the internet?" Having watched the movie three times at home and written the essay entirely himself (duh), he was not amused. I'm kicking the weekend off right by meeting some girlfriends for brunch today, and I honestly can't tell you the last time we've been together, all three of us. I might even have a Bloody Mary. And who knows?! We might get mani/pedis after.
What do you lovelies have going on?
Reader Comments (8)
Lovely post as always, Lauren. I wish I could take in your class on the sounds like so much fun. I have a nephew's wedding to attend in Roanoke that weekend. Well, it's Keith's nephew, really and mine only by benefit of being married to the kid's uncle. So, all that to say, I'd rather be home and taking a photography workshop. Have a great weekend. I'm still all alone as Keith is in China until Monday night, so no fun plans for me. I'll get in a long run, play with Kona, get some gardening done, and try not to overeat. :-)
I love that little knife in your photo. I am terrible at styling. I really am. Not to be self-deprecating but I get all sweaty and loose all sense of anything and everything when I try to style a photo. I think I could if I could be more objective in these moments. My first shot is always my best one because it's before I have reached that sweaty "no, that's not right. i'll move this one millimeter over here! wah, it all looks dumb!" part yet. just last night i was thinking "i wish lauren could help me." but it was in whiny voice that would probably annoy you because that's how I get about styling. With that I wish I could take your class. I just need the concepts whether it be through food or otherwise and I always love your photos, because, yes they do tell a story. maybe you can put me on skype or facetime for your class :) hahaha.
Have a lovely dinner and lovely weekend. xoxoxo!
Erin is always right. Sort of. ;)
I just use iCal on my phone. Hey, maybe that's what Callum would be called if he went digital.
Sorry your birthday was a bit of a non event, sometimes they're like that aren't they? I always find them a bit disappointing to be honest, they never quite live up to the hype.
I'm so pleased about your workshop, I would totally come if I were nearer! x
I am always right, though. That's true. :) You'll love your moleskine. It's not so rigid about schedules and the one I have is basically a blank slate aside from the days of the week marked off. We're grown ups, we can figure it out ourself. I'm glad you chucked the other one in the recycling!
Amadeus is such a good movie, good for you guys for showing it to him so often! Your weekend sounds fab. I'm looking forward to married life when my days look more like yours. As it is I only have between 7-8am and then 6-10 to do what I want to do (if you don't count all the blogging and blog-reading time I get at work, ahem). I'll get my man off to work with breakfast, I'll get myself ready, do a bit of cleaning (I'm a big fan of doing a little bit each day so it doesn't get overwhelming. like last night I vacuumed the whole downstairs and wiped down the bathroom counters...although I do the latter almost daily, I'm obsessed with it), and then plop myself down to write. Maybe amble through town and have lunch and then come back and write some more. Prep dinner. Have a glass of wine waiting for Jeff when he gets home. Yes, I think I like that life very much. xoxo
Are those cheese curds? That's what they look like. A smoother spread would have been more appealing, I think. Otherwise, great photo!
happy weekend, lauren! leah is very wise. you already spent money on that planner that didn't work, why spend aggravation too? my days during the school year are super structured, but summer's coming, and then i'll have a more flexible schedule.
i'm so happy about your photography! i look forward to hearing about your wonderful class. joy, n
Checking my calendar...I think I'm free May 25th! Oh, wait, I live in Southern California. Darn it, foiled again! Well, I be there in spirit.
Will you keep me posted on how you like the Moleskine planner? I'm a huge fan of the journals, but have never owned one of their planners and would be curious to know how you like it. Right now, (like Annie) I use iCal and a cheap paper calendar from Target. It's meant to hang on the wall, but I just leave on top of the desk in constant eye sight. I'll admit, it's not pretty.
From the gram, I noticed you made the Bloody Mary and mani/pedi treatments a reality. Good for you! Hope you're having a great weekend! The Marriage of Figaro!
Self promotion is essential! Promote away. I love seeing what you are up to, and if I lived closer; or at least in the same country I would be there with bells on....
I think you are too hard on yourself... and possibly you do not realise how wonderful you are. Breathe in... and exhale... there is always more we could be doing. Sometimes it is better to be doing less. Although I do need to go and start dinner :) xx